Monday, May 19, 2008


Alot of the podcasts sights that I tried required subscriptions so I went through Yahoo and found one called, although this is not library related I figured it would be ok to look into a podcast that I could use in our home music studio. This sight has all kinds of sound effects that would be great to add another texture to songs our clients (or myself) might want on their CD's.
For instance I have a new song about a mother whose son is sailing off on Lake Superior and the sound of seagulls or waves would be a cool effect to add. I feel like I'm touching the tip of the iceberg and when I feel more confident doing this it could open up a whole new world of music possiblities (Terzah are you available for tutoring!!)

1 comment:

Terzah said...

Yes, I am available for more one-on-one help, but I think you might be moving beyond me with your podcast question. A more experienced "music mixer" would be required to answer that than I! Still, let me know if I can try to help.